life stories

remembered... recounted... recorded!

Browse through life stories from the biography Publishers´s programme – only through those, of course, who were approved for publishing. A lot of biographies were designed and printed for family and friends only and are therefore not on display.

All books (apart from those marked “out of print”) can be ordered in any bookshop, online bookshop or directly at the publishing house via email. Shipping to Germany is free, shipping to the US is 5.00 $.

On display besides many intriguing stories: A lot of experience by now…

Ich will mich mit dir einigen. Ein Buch für Paare.

A book for couples. Written by a couple. Heide and Hermann have been together for 30 years. They have a multitude of therapist training and experience between them and have been guiding and coaching couples for the past 25 years. Their strategies, advice, support and knowledge about relationships are no cranial concoction, but have grown and developed from their own life experience and practice. Opening up about their own relationship and sharing thought about why their previous relationships did not sustain they offer food for thought, create awareness around possible pitfalls and most importantly tap the reader into the possibility of growth – for couples, for individual partners. 

“Me and you. Two worlds. Couples that are seeking personal development and growth and are ready to learn new strategies -  welcome.”

Walbrodt, Heide und Hermann Müller-Walbrodt: Ich will mich mit dir einigen. Ein Buch für Paare.
ISBN 9783-937772-21-9, 78 pages, 8,90 Euro

„... und warum bist Du nicht mein Opa?“ Ein kleiner Junge sucht sich einen Großvater.

In the fast and mobile times, we are living in most children have no grandparents to be an important anchor and support in their lives. Some turn towards older people and ask them to be their “Grandma” or “Grandpa”. That is what Jan has done too. He is an intelligent and curious kid, technologically versed and he loves animals. This book portrays his jokes, his varied interests, his thoughts on God and his fears after watching a war movie, his dream of loving care and attention and his separation anxiety. A growing number of young people is robbed of their time in psychiatric clinics and then in halfway houses or homes because their parents have failed to take care of them. Jan has experienced this too, and he has to live with it.

Lidecke, Franz: „… und warum bist Du nicht mein Opa?“Ein kleiner Junge sucht sich einen Großvater. Notes from a Diary, Memories and Thoughts. With multiple beautiful paper silhouettes.
ISBN 978-3-937772-22-6, paperback, 230 pages, 19, 90 Euro

Das bisschen Leben?

Looking back Bernd Reuber has had a full, yet most certainly not an easy life that he describes in vivid detail with an infectiously joyful recount. A delightful plethora that is still best framed with the phrase “just a little”: The life of a “simple man”, that Bernd Reuber lays out for his reader in apt humility and serenity – precisely this calm makes it such a captivating perusal.

Reuber, Bernd: Das bisschen Leben.
ISBN: 978-3-937772-24-0, paperback, 228 pages, 19,90 EUR

Sajansk 1983. Meine Erlebnisse als „westlicher Spezialist“ in Sibirien

During the seventies and eighties the chemist Hermann Winter often travelled to the Eastern bloc. He was supervising the implementation of a technique he had co-developed that allowed the development of PVC in different chemical combines. His experiences at the chemical plant Sajansk in Siberia, where he spent nine months, were so impressive that he wrote them down immediately upon his return to Germany. 

Winter, Hermann: Sajansk 1983. Meine Erlebnisse als „westlicher Spezialist“ in Sibirien.
ISBN: 978-3-937772-25-7, paperback, 144 pages, 14,90 EUR